Enrollment Information | Online Registration
Principal's Message
Hello EHS students and families. My name is Rod Merrell and I am excited to be the new principal of Enumclaw High School. I have officially moved to Enumclaw and I am looking forward to a great school year and to the opportunity to become an active member of the community. This summer I have tried to immerse myself in all things Enumclaw. I have hiked Pinnacle Peak, ran around Deep Lake, ate too much pizza from Cascadia Pizza, experienced a traffic jam on the bridge into Buckley, bought raspberries from the Thursday Farmers Market, and met some incredible people in the community. It has only taken me a few weeks to learn what a special place this is. Now all I need is for students and staff to show up at the high school.
This year at the high school our focus will be on fostering a positive school culture for the students, families, and staff connected to EHS. The EHS Leadership students are planning for Hornet Days and 9th Grade Orientation, the EHS Administration Team is planning welcome back activities for staff, and our Fall coaches are getting ready to start their seasons strong. My goal is to make sure that every student feels connected and supported at EHS and that all students have a place where they feel comfortable and supported. For some students that will be in a classroom, others will feel connected to their teams and coaches, and for others it might be our amazing music and drama programs. I know that when students feel connected at school they achieve a higher level of academic success.
I hope you have all been enjoying this beautiful summer on the plateau and that you are as excited as I am about the start of a new school year. If you happen to stop by the school before the start of classes on September 1st, I hope you will say hello. Our offices are open Monday through Friday, 7:30 PM to 3:00 PM and we are here to answer any questions you may have, or to offer any support that you may need. Again, I am excited and humbled to be the principal of Enumclaw High School. Go Hornets!