School Profile

School entrance

Few places in this world are more special than Enumclaw High School. Not only do we have the distinct honor and privilege of helping incredible young people strive towards growth and excellence in our care, but we can do so with 120 outstanding and dedicated staff members who value community, building relationships, and academic excellence. Each world-class team of teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians, and administrators has a clear, unified focus on dedicating themselves to the success of every student. Teams of Enumclaw High School staff members work tirelessly in a collaborative, supportive, and flexible environment to continuously focus our efforts on positive student growth to ensure that each student has a future of their choosing.

We believe that you - parents, families, and community members - are our best and most vital partner as we rely on your intimate and life-long experience to team with us to educate and prepare our community’s youth for the challenges and excitement of today’s world and that of the future as well. As partners in education with you, we believe it is our calling to maximize the potential of each Enumclaw High School student and provide the level of support, kindness, and love that will help them to thrive and grow. We hope you know and understand that our doors are open and we are ready to develop and/or nurture our educational alliance moving forward.  Like hornets, our strength stems from our work together and we thrive when we work collaboratively as a community. As the physical plant of Enumclaw High School undergoes its metamorphosis through our major remodel, it slowly reveals the greatness that we impart to our students every day.

We welcome your open and honest feedback. Feedback is accepted face-to-face, written, or electronically. Please send written and electronic information to the school building’s main office or the District office. We also offer a variety of committees that parents and citizens can participate in.

Enumclaw High School
226 Semanski Street South
Enumclaw, WA 98022
office: 360.802.7669
fax: 360.802.7676
Principal: Rodrick Merrell

Assistant Principals:
Kody Dribnak
Paul Iacobazzi

Director of Career and Technical Education:
Kim Herd

If this information is needed in an alternate format, please contact the Public Information Officer.

Enumclaw School District
2929 McDougall Ave
Enumclaw, WA 98022

Learning Spaces and Features

Our student commons gives students direct access to our Counseling Center, Career and Technical Education Office, Health room, Main Office, Athletic and Activity Office, Bookkeeper, student store, student run coffee stand, and our Nutritional Service Department.

During the 2017-18 school year, all students will be issued an internet connected device to access online learning.  Our campus is also undergoing a major remodel and new construction of the main instructional buildings. We currently have seven classroom buildings, 19 portable classrooms, a gym complex, auditorium, library, student commons and extensive Career and Technical Education labs and shop spaces.

Enumclaw High School offers more than 35 co-curricular activities open to all students.  Through these activities and clubs, students have the opportunity to develop friendships, expand skills and talents, pursue interests, and/or provide service to school and community. Every student is encouraged to become involved in at least one of these activities during the school year.

Please Join Us!

There are several ways to get involved at our school. We invite family and community members to volunteer in classrooms, assist at events, and join the Parent Teacher Association.

School Report Card

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction hosts a database that provides information from prior school years. Please navigate to their site at and search for Enumclaw Sr High School, Enumclaw School District to review relevant data about our students and staff.

District Report Card

The Enumclaw School District Report Card provides parents, educators, policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders with information about K-12 public schools.  It includes demographic information about students at the school, district and state levels, and data about student achievement on statewide assessments. It also provides information about teachers, administrators, and other school staff.  View the information online at and search Enumclaw School District.

Additional information about our school district: