Levy Project Spotlight heating with a spotlight graphic over a photo of Kibler's heat pumps

ESD Critical Maintenance Levy: Heating Projects

On April 22, 2025, voters in the Enumclaw School District will have the opportunity to vote on a capital levy to fund urgent facility repairs, student health and safety improvements, and critical infrastructure needs.

The proposed list of levy projects includes approximately $3.7 million for HVAC repairs and replacements:

Southwood Elementary: HVAC damper/duct/control replacement for classrooms

Existing room temperature controls are over 40 years old, and the parts are no longer available. The Damper motors continue to fail, and in order to replace them, we have to replace the ductwork as well. The current damper motors are obsolete which limits the temperature controls and affects our ability to keep the classrooms at the required minimum temperature of 65 degrees.

Westwood Elementary: Replace the 200 building heat pumps (10)

The current heat pumps were installed in 2000 to heat individual classrooms. All units are 5 years beyond their expected lifespan.

Byron Kibler Elementary: Boiler Pumps Replacement

The current boiler pumps were installed in 2000. The pumps and the seals within the pumps have outlived their service life and continue to fail, creating a challenge for heating the individual units in each of the classrooms.

Enumclaw High School: Replace rooftop HVAC units and auditorium boilers and pumps

The current HVAC units are 25 years old with an expected 25-year lifespan. Numerous units have failed, leading to individual rooms being unable to provide the minimum temperature required. The current auditorium boilers were installed at EHS in 2000 and are corroded as they have exceeded their lifespan by 10 years.

Kibler Heat PumpsKibler Boiler 1Kibler Heat PumpsKibler Heat PumpsTo view the full list of proposed projects or more information, please visit our levy webpage:https://www.enumclaw.wednet.edu/page/critical-maintenance-levy-2025