Counseling Center

Counseling Contact Information

EHS Counseling Staff 1.2024

Student’s Last Names A - D
Kami Johnson

Student’s Last Names E - K
Alisha Snell

Student’s Last Names L - Rh
Joseph Fricione

Student’s Last Names Ri - Z
Necia Engebretsen

Counseling Secretary
Gillian Wychor Polson

Estela Morgan

Counseling Office Fax Number

Seek Help If Needed

Do not hesitate to seek help if needed.

Call 911 for police assistance if the situation is life threatening or if it looks like someone may get hurt.

If you have a therapist or counselor, reach out for help. They may be available for sessions online or by phone. If you are taking medication, keep up with it, and be sure to continue communicating with your psychiatrist or doctor.

Teen Link Substance Use Support
Where to Turn for Teens

If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance, the following resources are available:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:  Call 1.800.273.8255 ( 8255) or text HOME to 741741. 

Crisis Text Line:  Text HOME to  741741
Crisis Connections:  Call 1.866.427.4747 or 206.461.3222
Teen Link:  Call 1.866.TEENLINK ( 833.6546)
The Trevor Project: Call 1.866.488.7386 

Self Care

Take a bike ride or walk or jog outside, as long as you can maintain a six-foot distance from others. Sunlight, fresh air, and time disconnected from devices is important for mental health.

Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Several free classes are offered online. Schedule a virtual workout “date” with a friend or family member to increase motivation.