Student Handbook: Attendance

EHS Entrance

Attendance Policies and Procedures

Attend Today…Achieve Tomorrow

The Enumclaw High School faculty, administration, and community believe that regular and punctual attendance at school is vitally important for all students to achieve maximum benefit from the school program, as well as be prepared for life beyond high school. Student mastery of course content and achievement of academic objectives through participation in class activities and student/teacher interaction are of extreme importance.

Each teacher will determine to what degree attendance and classroom participation are related to the goals and objectives of each class. Teachers shall communicate to students, and have on file in writing, the extent to which absences or lack of class participation may be reflected in course grades or credit.

Good attendance helps students do well in school and eventually in the workplace. Excused and unexcused absences easily add up and create too much lost classroom time. Students are at risk academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year. Missing even two (2) days a month can impact a student, while reaching the “chronic absenteeism” mark can make it hard to keep up. Excessive excused and unexcused absences can affect learning. Enumclaw High School encourages families to make medical, dental, and other appointments outside of the school day.

We want to support ALL students, which means that one of our attendance goals is to eliminate chronic absenteeism to help improve learning outcomes and success at Enumclaw High School.

Remember: Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction     U.S. Department of Education     Attendance Awareness Campaign